Graduate School of Life Sciences

FOKUS Life Sciences

FOKUS MSc Life Science Lecture Series - takes place every winter term

Lecture series in English, fully accountable towards your GSLS curriculum. This lecture series is at an introductory level and taking place at a time to minimize conflicts with your lab schedule.

This lecture series is designed to give an overview over the research interests pursued at our university. It therefor encompasses all sections of the GSLS and introduces the methodology as well as the current topics under investigation. The lecture series is organized into topic blocks of one to three weeks in duration. Each block consists of a 'Methods' section taking place on Wednesday and Thursday. On the following Mondays and Tuesdays, the speakers of the 'Topics' section will introduce their application of the methods and their questions they work to answer.

Topic blocks:

  • Imaging
  • High Troughput Methods & Computational Methods
  • Biochemical & Biophysical Research
  • Infection & Immunity & Cancer
  • Neuroscience & Behavior
  • Integrative Biology

Place: Lecture Hall - GSLS Building, Beatrice-Edgell-Weg 21 - Campus Hubland North
Time: winter term, Mondays: 08:15-11:00am (two speakers), on other weekdays 08:15-9:00am

The topics of the lecture blocks can be found in the program.

For additional questions, please contact:
Dr. Stephan Schröder-Köhne, Tel. 0931-31-86068, .