Path to graduation (Dr. rer. nat.)

The doctoral study program of the GSST is designed for a three-year period. Once you have been admitted to the GSST (see admission), you should agree with your Advisory Committee on a start-up meeting at the end of the first two months of your project. You will define the focus of your project and develop a personal research training plan. After each year, annual meetings of the doctoral candidates and their advisory committee take place. After a period of about three years, your advisors will give you permission to submit your thesis. Thesis submission is followed by a thesis defense. If you need an extension to the normal three-year period, you should discuss this with your advisory committee. For a second extension, the approval of the Dean of the GSST is required.
For certain candidates who do not hold the necessary qualifications for admission (MSc or Diploma degree in a relevant subject, see admission), it is possible to be admitted to the GSST after a qualification period of up to one year.