Doctoral training program
The doctoral training program of the GSST is designed for a three-year period. In addition to ongoing research for their dissertation, doctoral candidates take part in both obligatory and elective training courses (on average 4 hours per week). Obligatory elements of the training program are:
- Group seminar / literature seminar (usually on a weekly basis – 1h/week)
- Program seminar (such as seminar of DFG Graduate Training Group, colloquia, lecture series etc. – 1h/week)
- Retreats / Summer School (counts as 1h/week)
In addition to the obligatory courses, doctoral candidates can choose from a broad range of electives (at least 1 h/week) depending on their individual needs and preferences. Electives include:
- Methods courses
- Periods of research abroad in a collaborating laboratory
- Special lectures
- Transferable skills courses such as academic communication, Good Scientific Practice, entrepreneurship, patent law
- Involvement in teaching
Besides taking part in the obligatory and elective training, doctoral candidates are expected to attend at least two international conferences / workshops with a contribution of their own (talk, poster presentation) until graduation. Graduation also requires substantial contribution of the doctoral candidate – at least co-authorship – to at least one publication in a peer-reviewed international journal.