Graduate School Science and Technology

Current Projects

Current doctoral projects

Doctoral Candidate

Title of the doctoral research project

Cooperating Institutions

Philipp Koch 

Befahrbarkeitsanalyse in unwegsamem Gelände unter Berücksichtigung der kinematischen Konzepte mobiler Roboter

TH Nürnberg,

Uni Würzburg

Andreas Schütz

Effiziente und zielgerichtete Sensibilisierung der Mitarbeiter von kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen für Informationssicherheit

THWS Würzburg-Schweinfurt,

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Thomas Schulz A Reference Architecture for Smart Mobility Platforms

HS Neu-Ulm,

TU München

Daniel Vögele Kamerabasiertes System zur Ermittlung der realen Aufspannsituation auf Werkzeugmaschinen

OTH Regensburg,

Uni Passau

Florian Olbrich Safety Systems for UAVs

OTH Regensburg,

TU München

Bettina Kriegl Service Innovation at Healthcare`s Frontline

TH Ingolstadt,

Uni Bayreuth

Manuel Fritsche Entwicklung eines kombinierten Auslegungsverfahrens für radiale Ventilatoren auf Basis eines mit theoretischen Ansätzen, digitalen CFD-Berechnungen und physischen Versuchen trainierten künstlichen neuronalen Netzes (Metamodell)

HS Coburg,

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Stefan Kerscher Robuste Prädiktion von Verkehrsteilnehmern in einer urbanen Umgebung

TH Deggendorf,

Uni Regensburg,


Tobias Fertig Messen der Information Security Awareness in KMUs

THWS Würzburg-Schweinfurt,

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Helge Olberding Thematische Kartographie und 3D-Geovisualisierung in interaktiven VR-Anwendungen

THWS Würzburg-Schweinfurt,

Uni Würzburg

Simon Seibt Bildbasierte Medienproduktionskette

TH Nürnberg,

Uni Würzburg

Markus Miller Auf künstliche Intelligenz basierende rekonstruktive Verfahren zur Umfeldmodellierung

HAW München

TU München

Theresa Meyer Änderungsdetektion durch Analyse von Bildsequenzen und BIM-konformen Innenraummodellen

THWS Würzburg-Schweinfurt

TU München

Elisabeth Moser  Exploring the power of AI in spectral analysis particularly leveraging simulation via transfer learning

OTH Regensburg,

TU München

Stefan Böhm Untersuchung verschiedener Ansätze der künstlichen Intelligenz zur Optimierung der Prozessaubläufe und Mensch-Maschinen-Kollaboration in der I4.0-Produktion

TH Rosenheim,

TU München

Peter Meier Real-Time Signal Processing Algorithms for Interactive Music Analysis Applications

TH Deggendorf,

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Markus Schmidtner Konzeption und Realisierung eines adaptiven Referenzmodells für agile und hybride Vorgehensmodelle im Produktentstehungsprozess der Automobilindustrie

HAW Landshut,

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg


Sebastian Renner Sichere leichtgewichtige authentifizierte Verschlüsselung für kritische Infrastrukturen im Internet der Dinge

OTH Regensburg,

TU München

Sina Zimmermann

Incentives for Sustainable Tranportation Behaviour Enabled by Digital Mobility Platforms

HS Neu-Ulm;

TU München

Nikolai Körber Energy-Efficient Deep Learning-Based Image Compression for LPWANs on Resource-Constrainded AIoT

HAW Landshut;

TU München

Finn Reiche Entwicklung eines Referenzmodells zur Plattformökonomie von Hochschulen

HAW Landshut,

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Tobias Höfer
               Vergleich unterschiedlicher Deep Learning Ansätze im Hinblick auf Genauigkeit, Stabilität, Effizienz und Interpretierbarkeit

HAW München,

TU München

Maximilian Hell Synergetic use of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data for large-scale Land cover/Land use mapping

THWS Würzburg Schweinfurt,

Uni Würzburg

 Dominik Stecher
Fault Detection and Monitoring of District Heating Systems using Machine Learning

TH Rosenheim,

FAU, Erlangen-Nürnberg

 Maximilian Karthan


Adaptive Feedback for mHealth-Applications with Gamification and Serious Games

HAW Neu-Ulm,

Uni Würzburg

 Ulrich Ludolfinger
Reinforcement Learning for Energy Management Systems

HAW Landshut,

Uni Würzburg

Franz Okyere Slum mapping- the relationship between geometry and urban poverty in Ghana- a remote sensing and geographical information systems approach

Uni Bayreuth,

THWS Würzburg-Schweinfurt

  Tina Volkersdorfer
Modellierung von Security zum Testen von System-Modellen

TH Ingolstadt,

Uni Passau


  Lisa Keller
Society-Oriented Scientific and Engineering Discourse through Pop-Up Education

THWS Würzburg- Schweinfurt,

Uni Regensburg

Mehran Dizbadi

Pro Mobile: Efficient and precise optimal positioning of mobile mapping system


THWS Würzburg-Schweinfurt;

TU München

   Jens Gebele
Hybridization of Emotion Recognition Systems

HAW Neu-Ulm;

Uni Würzburg

   Dong Wang
Infradar-SLAM: Light-Weight Indoor 3D SLAM Based on Infrared- and Radar-Fusion

TH Nürnberg;

Uni Würzburg

Rolf Schmidt Development of Failsafe Perception Sensors Concept for Use in Clinical Settings for Autonomous Motions

TH Nürnberg;

Uni Würzburg

Marco Masannek Development of Sensor- and Data Fusion Concepts and Algorithms for Safe Autonomous Robot Navigation and Manipulation in  Clinical Environments

TH Nürnberg;

Uni Würzburg

 Maximilian Rosilius
Evaluierung der Akzeptanz-und Leistungsmanipulation der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion kognitiv-immersiver Assistenzsysteme durch Fehlereinflüsse und Informationskonfidenz

THWS Würzburg-Schweinfurt:

Uni Regensburg

 Marco Michl
Decentralized Trust in Multi-Stakeholder Automotive Cyber-Systems

TH Ingolstadt;

Uni Passau

 Daniel Hieber
Neural Network Assisted Pathology for Glioblastoma

HS Neu-Ulm,

Uni Würzburg

Johannes Wirth Spracherkennung und-synthese in deutscher Sprache mithilfe Künstlicher Intelligenz

HAW Hof, 

Uni Regensburg

Lars Fichtel Tiny and Small Object Detection

THWS Würzburg-Schweinfurt,

Uni Würzburg


Dr. Rainer Koch
     Sensor fusion for precise mapping of transparent and specular reflective objects

TH Nürnberg,

Uni Würzburg

Prof. Dr. Christian Pfitzner
     Visual body weight estimation with focus on clinical applications

TH Nürnberg,

Uni Würzburg

Dr.-Ing. Maria Chizhova
     Virtuelle 3D-Rekonstruktion von zerstörten russisch-orthodoxen Kirchen aus unvollständigen Punktwolken 

THWS Würzburg-Schweinfurt,

TU München

Dr.-Ing. Matthias Niedermaier Security Herausforderungen und Werkzeuge für robuste industrielle Systeme im Internet-der-Dinge 

HAW Augsburg;

TU München

Dr. Markus Ring
     Detektion sicherheitskritischer Ereignisse in Unternehmensnetzwerken mittels Data Mining

HS Coburg;

Universität Würzburg

Dr. Manuel Ciba
     Messung der Synchronität und Abschätzung der Konnektivität von in-vitro Spike-Trains 

TH Aschaffenburg;

Universität Würzburg

Dr.-Ing. Katja Auernhammer
     Mask-Based Black-Box Attacks on Safety-Critical Systems thath use Maschine Learning

TH Nürnberg;

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Dr.-Ing. Markus Zoppelt Software Security Design for Cyber-Physical Systems

TH Nürnberg,

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gabriel Herl
     Multipositionale Röntgentomographie zur Vermeidung und Reduktion von Bildartefakten


TH Deggendorf,

FAU Erlangen-Nünrberg

Dr. Christian Sauer Development, Simulation and Evaluation of Mobile Wireless Networks in Industrial Applications

THWS Würzburg-Schweinfurt,

Universität Würzburg

Dr. Hanning Liang
     Deflectometric Measurement of the Topography of Reflecting Freeform Surfaces in Motion

HAW Landshut,

Universität Passau

Latest Publications

2021[ to top ]
  • Effects of ambient parameters and cross-sensitivities from O2, CO2 and H2O on the photoacoustic detection of acetone in the UV region. Weigl, Stefan; Wittmann, Elisabeth; Rück, Thomas; Bierl, Rudolf; Matysik, Frank-Michael. In Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 328(129001). 2021.
  • {Comparison of different Standards and Norms in Project Management}. Timinger, Holger; Schmidtner, Markus; Reiche, Finn. In Research Notes on Data and Process Science, (2), p. 7. 2021.
  • Collaboration for Innovation Between Universities and Smart Cities. Doering, Claudia; Schmidtner, Markus; Timinger, Holger. In 2021 IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit (E-TEMS), pp. 82–86. 2021.
  • A fractional 0–1 decision making approach for process variant management. Schmidtner, Markus; Doering, Claudia; Hilpoltsteiner, Daniel; Martens, Maren; Timinger, Holger. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), pp. 1–8. 2021.
  • {ACCURACY} {INVESTIGATION} {ON} {IMAGE}-{BASED} {CHANGE} {DETECTION} {FOR} {BIM} {COMPLIANT} {INDOOR} {MODELS}. Meyer, T.; Brunn, A.; Stilla, U. In {ISPRS} Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, V-4-2021, pp. 105–112. Copernicus {GmbH}, 2021.
  • Digital Nudging Toward Pro-Environmental Behavior: A Literature Review. Zimmermann, Sina; Hein, Andreas; Schulz, Thomas; Gewald, Heiko; Krcmar, Helmut. Vol. Paper 73. Proceedings of the 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2021.
  • The Role of Utilitarian vs. Hedonic Factors for the Adoption of AI-based Smart Speakers. Zimmermann, Sina; Wagner, Heinz-Theo; Rössler, Philipp; Gewald, Heiko; Krcmar, Helmut. In (Proceedings of the) 27th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) "Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship", Vol. Paper 1236. 2021.
  • Assessing the lack of context knowledge for a pedestrian predicting neural network. Kerscher, Stefan; Müller, Nikolaus; Ludwig, Bernd. In International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 6(3), pp. 467–482. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2021.
  • Assessing the lack of context knowledge for a pedestrian predicting neural network. Kerscher, Stefan; Müller, Nikolaus; Ludwig, Bernd. In International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2021.
  • Task-Specific Trajectory Optimisation for Twin-Robotic X-Ray Tomography. Herl, G; Hiller, J; Thies, M; Zaech, J; Unberath, M; Maier, A. In IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 7, pp. 894–907. 2021.
  • Tiny Generative Image Compression for Bandwidth-Constrained Sensor Applications. Körber, Nikolai; Siebert, Andreas; Hauke, Sascha; Mueller-Gritschneder, Daniel. In 2021 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), pp. 564–569. 2021.
  • Value co-creation and co-destruction in service ecosystems: The case of the Reach Now app. Schulz, Thomas; Zimmermann, Sina; Böhm, Markus; Gewald, Heiko; Krcmar, Helmut. In Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 170, issue C, F. Philips (ed.). 2021.
  • Social Engineering Exploits in Automotive Software Security: Modeling Human-targeted Attacks with SAM. Bergler, M; Tolvanen, JP; Zoppelt, M; Tavakoli Kolagari, R. In The 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference, Angers, France, B. Castanier, M. Cepin, D. Bigaud, C. Berenguer (eds.). 2021.
  • Deep Light Direction Reconstruction from single RGB images. Miller, M; Nischwitz, A; Westermann, R. WSCG 2021: full papers proceedings: 29. International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, p. 31-40., 2021.
  • A Real-Time Beat Tracking System Based on Predominant Local Pulse Information. Meier, Peter; Krump, Gerhard; Müller, Meinard. In Demos and Late Breaking News of the InternationalSociety for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Vol. 22nd, Conf. Online 2021. 2021.
  • Tiny Generative Image Compression for Bandwidth-Constrained Sensor Applications. Koerber, Nikolai; Siebert, Andreas; Hauke, Sascha; Muelle-Gritschneder. In IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications. 2021.
  • Automated Threat Evaluation of Automotive Diagnostic Protocols. Weiss, Nils; Renner, Sebastian; Mottok, Jürgen; Vaclav, Matousek. In 8th Embedded Security in Cars Conference (ESCAR USA). 2021.
  • Immersive Storytelling for Information Security Awareness Training in Virtual Reality. Ulsamer, Philipp; Schütz, Andreas; Fertig, Tobias; Keller, Lisa. In Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2021.
  • Accuracy investigation on image-based change detection for BIM compliant indoor models. Meyer, T; Brunn, A; Stilla, U. In International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, V-4-2021, pp. 105–112. 2021.
  • {Testing AGV Mobility Control Method for MANET Coverage Optimization using Procedural Generation}. Sauer, C.; Lyczkowski, E.; Schmidt, M.; N{ü}chter, A.; Hoßfeld, T. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference MSWiM: Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems. Alicante, Spain, 2021.
  • HyValue – Ein adaptives Referenzmodell für den hybriden Produktentstehungsprozess in der Automobilindustrie. Schmidtner, M; Timinger, H. In Kompetenzen für die digitale Transformation 2020 Digitalisierung der Arbeit - Kompetenzen - Nachhaltigkeit 1. Digitalkompetenz-Tagung, Vol. 1, E. D. {Lehmann L. (ed.), pp. 37–48. Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2021.
  • Agile Working During COVID-19 Pandemic. Schmidtner, Markus; Doering, Claudia; Timinger, Holger. In IEEE Engineering Management Review, 49(2), pp. 18–32. 2021.
2020[ to top ]
  • Motor Imagery to Control Mobile Applications - An fNIRS Study. Ulsamer, Philipp; Fertig, Tobias; Pfeffel, Kevin; Müller, Nicholas H. In PACIS, D. Vogel, K. N. Shen, P. S. Ling, C. Hsu, J. Y. L. Thong, M. D. Marco, M. Limayem, S. X. Xu (eds.), p. 56. 2020.
  • Evaluation of Post-hoc XAI Approaches Through Synthetic Tabular Data. Tritscher, Julian; Ring, Markus; Schlör, Daniel; Hettinger, Lena; Hotho, Andreas. In ISMIS, Vol. 12117 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, D. Helic, G. Leitner, M. Stettinger, A. Felfernig, Z. W. Ras (eds.), pp. 422–430. Springer, 2020.
  • Analysis of Industrial Device Architectures for Real-Time Operations under Denial of Service Attacks. Fischer, Florian; Niedermaier, Matthias; Hanka, Thomas; Knauer, Peter; Merli, Dominik. In CoRR, abs/2007.08885. 2020.
  • Smart Mobility: Contradictions in Value Co-Creation. Schulz, Thomas; Gewald, Heiko; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut. In Information Systems Frontiers, 22(4). 2020.
  • Smart mobility – an analysis of potential customers’ preference structures Electronic Markets. Schulz, Thomas; Böhm, Markus; Gewald, Heiko; Krcmar, Helmut. In Electronic Markets. Springer, 2020.
  • Financial Fraud Detection with Improved Neural Arithmetic Logic Units. Schlör, Daniel; Ring, Markus; Krause, Anna; Hotho, Andreas. In Vol. Fifth Workshop on MIning DAta for financial applicationS of Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 12591). Springer, 2020.
  • About the Measuring of Information Security Awareness: A Systematic Literature Review. Fertig, Tobias; Schütz, Andreas. In 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2020.
  • Financial Fraud Detection with Improved Neural Arithmetic Logic Units. Schlör, Daniel; Ring, Markus; Krause, Anna; Hotho, Andreas. Vol. Fifth Workshop on MIning DAta for financial applicationS. 2020.
  • Scanning trajectory optimisation using a quantitative Tuybased local quality estimation for robot-based X-ray computed tomography. Herl, Gabriel; Hiller, Jochen; Maier, Andreas. In Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 35(3), pp. 287–303. 2020.
  • AI Approaches to Optimize Human-Machine Collaboration in Manufacturing Facilities with IoT-Ready Machinery. Böhm, Stefan-Andreas. In IOT Companion, P. Davidsson, M. Langheinrich, P. Linde, S. Mayer, D. Casado-Mansilla, D. Spikol, F. A. Kraemer, N. L. Russo (eds.), pp. 23:1–23:5. ACM, 2020.
  • Towards an adaptive reference model for agile and hybrid frameworks in automotive development. Schmidtner, Markus; Timinger, Holger; Blust, Martina; Döring, Claudia; Hilpoltsteiner, Daniel. In ICE/ITMC, pp. 1–10. IEEE, 2020.
  • Threshold Password-Hardened Encryption Services. Brost, Julian; Egger, Christoph; Lai, Russell W. F.; Schmid, Fritz; Schröder, Dominique; Zoppelt, Markus. In ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, J. Ligatti, X. Ou, J. Katz, G. Vigna (eds.), pp. 409–424. ACM, 2020.
  • Information Technology Choice in Mobility Service Ecosystems: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Schulz, Thomas; Böhm, Markus; Gewald, Heiko. In International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2020 Proceedings, Vol. DIGITIZATION IN CITIES AND THE PUBLIC SECTOR. 2020.
  • Analyze Before You Sensitize: Preparation of a Targeted ISA Training. Schütz, Andreas; Fertig, Tobias; Weber, Kristin. In 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2020.
  • Current Issues Of Metrics For Information Security Awareness. Fertig, Tobias; Schütz, Andreas Erwin; Weber, Kristin. In ECIS, F. Rowe, R. E. Amrani, M. Limayem, S. Newell, N. Pouloudi, E. van Heck, A. E. Quammah (eds.). 2020.
  • Using wavelet transform to evaluate single-shot phase measuring deflectometry data. Liang, Hanning; Sauer, Thomas; Faber, Christian. In SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 115101S. SPIE The international society for optics and photonics, 2020.
  • Comparison of Different Spike Train Synchrony Measures Regarding Their Robustness to Erroneous Data From Bicuculline-Induced Epileptiform Activity. Ciba, Manuel; Bestel, Robert; Nick, Christoph; de Arruda, Guilherme Ferraz; Peron, Thomas K. D. M.; Comin, Cesar Henrique; da Fontoura Costa, Luciano; Rodrigues, Francisco Aparecido; Thielemann, Christiane. In Neural Comput., 32(5), pp. 887–911. 2020.
  • Agile working during COVID-19 pandemic. Doering, Claudia; Schmidtner, Markus; Maerz, Johanna; Mueller, Vanessa; Timinger, Holger. In Research Notes on Data and Process Science, issue 1. 2020.
  • Impact of Generative Adversarial Networks on NetFlow-Based Traffic Classification. Wolf, Maximilian; Ring, Markus; Landes, Dieter. In CISIS, Vol. 1267 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Álvaro Herrero, C. Cambra, D. Urda, J. Sedano, H. Quintián, E. Corchado (eds.), pp. 393–404. Springer, 2020.
  • Proactive Smart City Interactions. Müller-Wuttke, Madlen; Schütz, Andreas E.; Franz, Felix; Müller, Nicholas H. In HCI (26), Vol. 12206 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, P. Zaphiris, A. Ioannou (eds.), pp. 615–624. Springer, 2020.
  • ADAMO - Echtzeit Kollaboration mit adaptiven Prozessmodellen (ADAMO - Real-Time Collaboration with Adaptive Process Models). Hilpoltsteiner, Daniel; Schmidtner, Markus. In Modellierung (Companion), Vol. 2542 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, J. Michael, D. Bork, H.-G. Fill, P. Fettke, D. Karagiannis, J. Köpke, A. Koschmider, H. C. Mayr, J.-R. Rehse, U. Reimer, M. Striewe, M. Tropmann-Frick, M. Ullrich (eds.), pp. 193–197., 2020.
  • Comparison of System Call Representations for Intrusion Detection. Wunderlich, Sarah; Ring, Markus; Landes, Dieter; Hotho, Andreas. In Logic Journal of the IGPL, jzaa058. 2020.
  • HyValue – a Hybrid Reference Model for the Automotive Product Development Process. Schmidtner, Markus; Timinger, Holger. In IEEE TEMS Technology & Engineering Management Society. 2020.
  • Efficient Black-Box Search for Adversarial Examples using Relevance Masks. Auernhammer, Katja; Freiling, Felix; Tavakoli Kolagari, Ramin. In In DYnamic and Novel Advances in Machine Learning and Intelligent Cyber Security (DYNAMICS) Workshop. 2020.
  • Physicians and Institutional Work: Unpacking the Black Box of Institutionalization at the Front Lines of Healthcare. Kriegl, Bettina; Woratschek, Herbert; Raab, Andrea. In Proceedings of the European Markting Academy, Vol. 49th. 2020.
  • iNALU: Improved Neural Arithmetic Logic Unit. Schlör, Daniel; Ring, Markus; Hotho, Andreas. In Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 3, p. 71. 2020.
  • Towards an Information Security Awareness Maturity Model. Fertig, Tobias; Schütz, Andreas E.; Weber, Kristin; Müller, Nicholas H. In HCI (26), Vol. 12206 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, P. Zaphiris, A. Ioannou (eds.), pp. 587–599. Springer, 2020.
  • Transport Layer Scanning for Attack Surface Detection in Vehicular Networks. Weiss, Nils; Renner, Sebastian; Mottok, Jürgen; Matousek, Vaclav. In Transport Layer Scanning for Attack Surface Detection in Vehicular Networks, pp. 1–8. ACM Computer Science in Cars Symposium, 2020.
  • Analytical and Numerical Investigation of the Fluid Structure Interaction of an Elastic Beam in a Water Channel. Fritsche, Manuel; Epple, Philipp; Delgado, Antonio. In Volume 10: Fluids Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.
  • Edge-preserving compression of CT scans using wavelets. Stock, AM; Herl, G; Sauer, T; Hiller, J. In Insight- Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 62(6), pp. 345–351 (7). 2020.
  • A Hardware in the Loop Benchmark Suite to Evaluate NIST LWC Ciphers on Microcontrollers. Renner, Sebastian; Pozzobon, Enrico; Mottok, Jürgen. In ICICS, Vol. 12282 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 495–509. Springer, 2020.
2019[ to top ]
  • How E-Learning can Faciliate Information Security Awareness. Schütz, Andreas; Tobias, Fertig; Kristin, Weber; Nicholas, Müller. In Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Springer International Publishing, 2019.
  • How E-Learning Can Facilitate Information Security Awareness. Schütz, Andreas E.; Fertig, Tobias; Weber, Kristin; Müller, Nicholas H. In HCI (25), Vol. 11590 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, P. Zaphiris, A. Ioannou (eds.), pp. 390–401. Springer, 2019.
  • {Signed Distance Based Reconstruction for Exploration and Change Detection in Underground Mining Disaster Prevention}. {Koch}, P.; {May}, S.; {Engelhardt}, H.; {Ziegler}, J.; {N{ü}chter}, A. In IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR ’19), pp. 1–2. 2019.
  • LICSTER - A Low-cost ICS Security Testbed for Education and Research. Sauer, Felix; Niedermaier, Matthias; Kießling, Susanne; Merli, Dominik. In Computing Research Repository CoRR, abs/1910.00303. 2019.
  • Efficient Passive ICS Device Discovery and Identification by MAC Address Correlation. Niedermaier, Matthias; Hanka, Thomas; Plaga, Sven; von Bodisco, Alexander; Merli, Dominik. In Computing Research Repository CoRR, abs/1904.04271. 2019.
  • A Secure Dual-MCU Architecture for Robust Communication of IIoT Devices. Niedermaier, Matthias; Merli, Dominik; Georg, Sigl. In Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO); IEEE. 2019.
  • Level Graph - Incremental Procedural Generation of Indoor Levels using Minimum Spanning Trees. von Rymon Lipinski, Bartosz; Seibt, Simon; Roth, Johannes; Abé, Dominik. In CoG, pp. 1–7. IEEE, 2019.
  • Network Scanning and Mapping for IIoT Edge Node Device Security. Niedermaier, Matthias; Fischer, Florian; Merli, Dominik; Sigl, Georg. In Computing Research Repository CoRR, abs/1910.07622. 2019.
  • Testing, modeling and simulation of fans working with organic vapors. Reinker, Felix; Wagner, Robert; Hasselmann, Karsten; aus der Wiesche, Stefan; Fritsche, Manuel; Epple, Philipp; Rußwurm, Hans Jörg. In Proceedings of 13th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics, of ETC2019-195. 2019.
  • What Today’s Serious Cyber Attacks on Cars Tell Us: Consequences for Automotive Security and Dependability. Zoppelt, Markus; Kolagari, Ramin Tavakoli. In IMBSA, Vol. 11842 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Y. Papadopoulos, K. Aslansefat, P. Katsaros, M. Bozzano (eds.), pp. 270–285. Springer, 2019.
  • Attacks on Machine Learning: Lurking Danger for Accountability. Auernhammer, Katja; Tavakoli Kolagari, Ramin; Zoppelt, Markus. In Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Safety 2019. 2019.
  • Artifact reduction in X-ray computed tomography by multipositional data fusion using local image quality measures. Herl, Gabriel; Hiller, Jochen; Sauer, Tomas. In Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography, Padova, Italy (iCT 2019). 2019.
  • Informationssicherheit und Datenschutz an Hochschulen organisieren. Weber, Kristin; Saueressig, Gabriel; Schütz, Andreas. In Angewandte Forschung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik. 2019.
  • Towards Human-readable Smart Contracts. Franz, Felix; Fertig, Tobias; Schütz, Andreas E.; Vu, Henry. In IEEE ICBC, pp. 38–42. IEEE, 2019.
  • Reduktion von Metallartefakten durch multipositionale Datenfusion in der industriellen Röntgen-Computertomographie. Herl, Gabriel; Hiller, Jochen; Kasperl, Stefan; Maier, Andreas. In de Gruyter, tm-Technisches Messen. 2019.
  • Investigating the Added Value of Combining Regression Results from Different Window Lengths. Kerscher, Stefan; Ludwig, Bernd; Müller, Nikolaus. In AIKE, pp. 128–135. IEEE, 2019.
  • A new method for solving the height problem in deflectometry. Liang, Hanning; Zimmermann, Alexander; Reiner, Kickingereder; Christian, Faber. In Proceedings Applied Optical Metrology III, Vol. 11102. 2019.
  • Efficient Intrusion Detection on Low-Performance Industrial IoT Edge Node Devices. Niedermaier, Matthias; Striegel, Martin; Sauer, Felix; Merli, Dominik; Sigl, Georg. In Computing Research Repository CoRR, abs/1908.03964. 2019.
  • Measuring the Impact of E-Learning Platforms on Information Security Awareness. Fertig, Tobias; Schütz, Andreas E.; Weber, Kristin; Müller, Nicholas H. In HCI (25), Vol. 11590 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, P. Zaphiris, A. Ioannou (eds.), pp. 26–37. Springer, 2019.
  • Signed Distance Based Reconstruction for Exploration and Change Detection in Underground Mining Disaster Prevention. Koch, Philipp; May, Stefan; Engelhardt, Helmut; Ziegler, Jasmin; Nüchter, Andreas. In SSRR, pp. 1–2. IEEE, 2019.
  • Eine neue Methode zur Lösung des Höhenproblems in der Deflektometrie. Liang, Hanning; Zimmermann, Alexander; Kickingereder, Reiner; Faber, Christian. In Deutsche Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik e.V. 2019.
  • UnCle SAM : Modeling Cloud Attacks with the Automotive Security Abstraction Model. In CLOUD COMPUTING 2019. Zoppelt, Markus; Tavakoli Kolagari, Ramin. In CLOUD COMPUTING 2019, The Tenth International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization, At Venice, Italy. 2019.
  • A survey of network-based intrusion detection data sets. In Computers and Security 86, 2019, 147-167, DOI:. Ring, Markus; Wunderlich, Sarah; Scheuring, Deniz; Landes, Dieter; Hotho, Andreas. In Computers and Security, Vol. 86, pp. 147–167. 2019.
  • CFD-Simulation of Centrifugal Fan Performance Characteristics Using Ideal and Real Gas Models for Air and Organic Fluids. Fritsche, Manuel; Epple, Philipp; Hasselmann, Karsten; Reinker, Felix; Wagner, Robert; aus der Wiesche, Stefan; Russwurm, Hans. In ASME-JSME-KSME 2019 8th Joint Fluids Engineering Conference. 2019.
  • An Accurate Thermal Measurement Approach for Determining Fan Efficiencies Based on System Identification. aus der Wiesche, Stefan; Reinker, Felix; Wagner, Robert; Epple, Philipp; Fritsche, Manuel; Russwurm, Hans Jörg. In ASME-JSME-KSME 2019 8th Joint Fluids Engineering Conference. 2019.
  • Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of the Pressure Distribution and Discharge Velocity in Flows Under Inclined Sluice Gates. Epple, Philipp; Steppert, Michael; Malcherek, Andreas; Fritsche, Manuel. In ASME-JSME_KSME 2019 8th Joint Fluids Engineering Conference. 2019.
2018[ to top ]
  • Flow-based Network Traffic Generation using Generative Adversarial Networks. Ring, Markus; Schlör, Daniel; Landes, Dieter; Hotho, Andreas. In Computing Research Repository CoRR, abs/1810.07795. 2018.
  • Body Weight Estimation for Dose-Finding and Health Monitoring of Lying, Standing and Walking Patients Based on RGB-D Data. Pfitzner, C.; May, S.; N{ü}chter, A. In Sensors, 18(5). 2018.
  • Detection of slow port scans in flow-based network traffic. Ring, Markus; Landes, Dieter; Hotho, Andreas. In PLOS ONE, 13(9), pp. 1–18. Public Library of Science, 2018.
  • Vertrauen ist gut, Blockchain ist besser - Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Blockchain für Vertrauensprobleme im Crowdsourcing. Schütz, Andreas; Fertig, Tobias; Weber, Kerstin; Vu, Henry; Hirth, Matthias; Tran-Gia, Thomas. In HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik. 2018.
  • Edge Preserving Compression of CT Scans using Wavelets. Stock, Michael; Herl, Gabriel; Sauer, Thomas; Hiller, Jochen. In Proceedings of the Structural Health Monitoring, International Symposium Nondestructive Testing 4-5 October 2018, Saarbruecken, Germany. 2018.
  • How Institutional Arrangements impede Realization of Smart Ecosystems: the Case of Door-to-Door Mobility integrators. Schulz, Thomas; Überle, Martin. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2018), Portsmouth, UK, 2018, P. M. Bednar, U. Frank, K. Kautz (eds.), p. 135. 2018.
  • Vertrauen ist gut, Blockchain ist besser - Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Blockchain für Vertrauensprobleme im Crowdsourcing. Schütz, Andreas E.; Fertig, Tobias; Weber, Kristin; Vu, Henry; Hirth, Matthias; Tran-Gia, Thomas. In HMD Prax. der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 55(6), pp. 1155–1166. 2018.
  • How do consumers experience the emotional rollercoaster? A smartphone app to measure emotions continously, transfer. Stieler, Maximilian; Kriegl, Bettina. In Werbeforschung & Praxis, 64(2), pp. 43–53. 2018.
  • You Snooze, You Lose: Measuring PLC Cycle Times under Attacks. Niedermaier, Matthias; Malchow, Jan-Ole; Fischer, Florian; Marzin, Daniel; Merli, Dominik; Roth, Volker; von Bodisco, Alexander. In WOOT @ USENIX Security Symposium, C. Rossow, Y. Younan (eds.). USENIX Association, 2018.
  • Metal artifact reduction by fusion of CT scans from different positions using the unfiltered backprojection. Herl, Gabriel; Rettenberger, Simon; Hiller, Jochen; Sauer, Tomas. In Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography, Wels, Austria (iCT 2018). 2018.
  • Digitization, Data Processing and Analysis of Industrial and Cultural Objects: Creating Additional Value from Big Data. Kasperl, Stefan; Hanke, Randolf; Oeckl, Steven; Schmitt, Peter; Uhlmann, Norman; Heinz, Daniel; Herl, Gabriel; Hiller, Jochen; Kämmler, Achim; Miller, Thomas; Stock, Andreas M; Sauer, Tomas. In Proceedings of the 12th, European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (ECNDT) 2018, Gothenburg-Sweden. 2018.
  • Digitalisierung, Verarbeitung und Analyse kultureller und industrieller Objekte: Wertschöpfung aus großen Datenmengen. Kasperl, Stefan; Hanke, Randolf; Oeckl, Steven; Schmitt, Peter; Uhlmann, Norman; Heinz, Daniel; Herl, Gabriel; Hiller, Jochen; Kämmler, Achim; Miller, Thomas; Stock, A.Michael; Sauer, Tomas. In Jahrestagung für zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (2018), Deutsche Gesellschaft DGZfP. 2018.
2017[ to top ]
  • Creation of Flow-Based Data Sets for Intrusion Detection. Ring, Markus; Wunderlich, Sarah; Grüdl, Dominik; Landes, Dieter; Hotho, Andreas. In Journal of Information Warfare, 16(4), pp. 41–54. 2017.
  • {Effective Distinction Of Transparent And Specular Reflective Objects In Point Clouds Of A Multi-Echo Laser Scanner}. Koch, R.; May, S.; N{ü}chter, A. In Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR ’17), pp. 566–571. Hong Kong, China, 2017.
  • {Evaluation of Features from RGB-D Data for Human Body Weight Estimation}. Pfitzner, C.; May, S.; N{ü}chter, A. In International Federation of Automatic Control. Toulouse, France, 2017.
  • {Out of lab calibration of a rotating 2D scanner for 3D mapping}. Koch, R.; B{ö}ttcher, L.; Jahrsd{ö}rfer, M.; Maier, J.; Trommer, M.; May, S.; N{ü}chter, A. In Proceedings of the International Society for Optics and Photonics SPIE optical metrology, Videometrics, Range Imaging, and Applications, Vol. 10332, pp. 10332 – 10332 . Munich, Germany, 2017.
  • IP2Vec: Learning Similarities Between IP Addresses. Ring, Markus; Landes, Dieter; Dallmann, Alexander; Hotho, Andreas. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), pp. 657–666. 2017.
  • A Toolset for Intrusion and Insider Threat Detection. Ring, Markus; Wunderlich, Sarah; Gr{ü}dl, Dominik; Landes, Dieter; Hotho, Andreas. In Data Analytics and Decision Support for Cybersecurity: Trends, Methodologies and Applications, I. Palomares Carrascosa, H. K. Kalutarage, Y. Huang (eds.), pp. 3–31. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2017.
  • Flow-based benchmark data sets for intrusion detection. Ring, Markus; Wunderlich, Sarah; Grüdl, Dominik; Landes, Dieter; Hotho, Andreas. In Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS), pp. 361–369. ACPI, 2017.
  • Towards EEG-Based Eye-Tracking for Interaction Design in Head-Mounted Devices. {Marc Philipp Dietrich, Götz Winterfeld}. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Consumer Electronics Berlin (ICCE-Berlin), 2017 IEEE. 2017.
  • {Detection and Purging of Specular Reflective and Transparent Object Influences in 3D Range Measurements}. Koch, R.; May, S.; N{ü}chter, A. In Proceedings of the 7th International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, ISPRS International Workshop 3D-ARCH 2017: "3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures", of ISPRS Archives Photogrammetry and Remote Senssing Spatial Inf. Sci., Volume XLII/W3, pp. 377–384. Nafplio, Greece, 2017.