Next Steps:After Third State Examination
Next steps: what to do after the completion of the third state examination
Please note that you must be enrolled with the student registry (Studierendenkanzlei) when you submit your thesis for a doctoral programme.
In order to enroll in a doctoral programme, or change your programme to your doctoral programme, you must first be admitted to a doctoral programme at the GSLS:
You can obtain the admission letter for your programme when you submit the following to the GSLS:
- Dritter Abschnitt der ärztlichen Prüfung (either the original or a certified copy)
- Filled out 'Betreuungsvereinbarung für das Qualifikationsvorhaben Promotion‘ (agreement of supervision). The GSLS will take care of the Dean’s signature on this document
Please submit all necessary documents to the GSLS or send them to us via post.
Luise Lesch +49 931 31 89325 Telephone Hours: Tues & Thur 10:00 Uhr - 11:00 Uhr
For the postal address please see here.
Once the GSLS has obtained all documents in full we will send you the admission letter for your doctoral studies.
With the admission letter you can then enroll in a doctoral programme or change your subject from Medicine or Dentistry (Humanmedizin or Zahnmedizin) to the doctoral programme.
Application for change of study programme
Please note the ► deadlines for enrolment or change of subject.