  • Beehive
Graduate School of Life Sciences

Supervising BSc and MSc Students

Datum: 10.02.2025, 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Kategorie: R1, Wissenschaft, Karriere, Workshop
Ort: Hubland Nord, Geb. 21, Seminar room 01.001/002
Veranstalter: GSLS
Vortragende: Prof. Michael Decker

In many research groups projects by Bachelor’s and Master’s students are supervised on a daily or weekly basis by PhD students. Often side projects of the own PhD topic form essential parts of the BSc/MSc work and it is expected by the group leaders to supervise in an adequate manner.

This seminar wants to  
• Provide the legal background for supervision by PhD students
• Show methods and communication tools to productively address the above problems
• Give advice how to solve problems in these tasks
• Make clear what kind and extent of supervision can/should be expected by the BSc or MSc student
• And show how and in which way a PhD student can benefit from supervision

The exchange of experience and problem-solving approaches will constitute the seminar, as well as role plays on how to react in difficult situations. Furthermore, input will be given on the legal situation and both national and international common practice of this task in the natural sciences. 

To attend, please register here.

Note: Registration of GSLS doctoral researchers has priority to non-GSLS participants. Non-GSLS participants pay a service and workshop fee of EUR 50 by bank transfer.