  • Beehive
Graduate School of Life Sciences

EndNote for Scientists - VIRTUAL WORKSHOP

Datum: 04.02.2025, 09:00 - 11:00 Uhr
Kategorie: R1, Wissenschaft, Workshop
Ort: virtual via ZOOM
Veranstalter: GSLS
Vortragende: Manuel Beck

Are you at the beginning of your PhD project and do you want to learn how to move seamlessly through your research process with flexible tools for searching, organizing, and sharing your references, creating your bibliography, and writing your paper? Come and learn how to use the reference management software EndNote!

During this workshop you will learn:

  • how to create your EndNote Library
  • how to import references and PDFs directly from the bibliographic databases
  • how to use the EndNote-Tool “Online Search”
  • how to organize your references into groups
  • how to annotate your PDFs
  • how to cite references in Word by “Cite while you write” and to create your reference list
  • how to use journal term lists and
  • how to edit the output style

First you will get some theoretical instructions before we focus on practical trainings.

To attend, please register here.

Note: Registration of GSLS/GSST doctoral researchers has priority to non-GSLS/non-GSST participants.