  • Beehive
Graduate School of Life Sciences

Common Graduation Commission

Common Graduation Commission

The GSLS Common Graduation Commission consists of the GSLS dean, the deans and additional delegates from the participating faculties (up to 3 per faculty). In addition, the section speakers participate in an advisory function.

July 2024

Prof. Dr. Christian Wegener

Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin J. Müller (Dean)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitt (Dean's representative)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Dandekar
Prof. Dr. Keram Pfeiffer
Prof. Dr. Jörg Schultz

Appointed as further possible chairpersons of doctoral procedures:
Prof. Dr. Christian Janzen
Prof. Dr. Markus Sauer
PD Dr. Matthias Becker
Prof. Dr. Ricarda Scheiner

Prof. Dr. Matthias Frosch (Dean)
Prof. Dr. Peter Heuschmann (Dean's representative)
Prof. Dr. Manfred Gessler
Prof. Dr. Georg Gasteiger
Prof. Dr. Carmen Villmann

Appointed as further possible chairpersons of doctoral procedures:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Beilhack
Prof. Dr. Niklas Beyersdorf
Prof. Dr. Lorenz Deserno
PD Dr. Frank Döring
Prof. Dr. Regina Ebert
Prof. Dr. Franziska Faber
Prof. Dr. Peter Gallant
Prof. Dr. Stefan Gaubatz
Prof. Dr. Uwe Gbureck
Prof. Dr. Dominic Grün
Prof. Dr. Grit Hein
PD Dr. Heike Hermanns
Prof. Dr. Knut Kirmse
PD Dr. Ellen Leich-Zbat
Prof. Dr. Joachim Morschhäuser
Prof. Dr. Svenja Meierjohann
PD Dr. Knut Ohlsen
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Pryss
Prof. Dr. Gustavo Ramos
Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Saliba
Prof. Dr. David Stegner

Chemistry and Pharmacy
Prof. Dr. Leane Lehmann (Dean)
Prof. Dr. Alexander Buchberger (Dean's representative)
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Seibel
Prof. Dr. Christoph Sotriffer

Appointed as further possible chairpersons of doctoral procedures:
Prof. Dr. Lutz Nuhn

Physics and Astronomy
Prof. Dr.  Björn Trauzettel (Dean)
Prof. Dr. Peter Jakob

Human Sciences
Prof. Dr. Andrea Kübler (Dean)
Prof. Dr. Matthias Gamer

Appointed as further possible chairpersons of doctoral procedures:
Prof. Dr. Johannes Hewig

Meeting dates of the GSLS Common Graduation Commission in SS 2025:

10. April 2025
8. May 2025
26. June 2025
24. July 2025