Graduiertenschule für die Geisteswissenschaften

Veranstaltungen aller Graduiertenschulen

- English version below -

Graduate Schools Day 2025

Gemeinsame Veranstaltung 
aller Graduiertenschulen. 

3. Juli 2025, 17:00h bis ca. 22:00h (geplant)
Gebäude der Graduiertenschulen
Beatrice Edgell-Weg 21
Campus Hubland Nord

Jedes Jahr im Sommersemester laden die Graduiertenschulen der Universität Würzburg (UWGS) ihre Mitglieder und Promovierenden zu einem gemeinsamen, halbtägigen „Graduate Schools Day“ ein. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass dieses Sommerfest auch in diesem Jahr wieder stattfinden kann.

Ausrichter: Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS)

Als Gäste eingeladen sind alle aktuellen Mitglieder und Promovierenden der GSH
sowie der
- University of Würzburg Graduate Schools (UWGS)
- Graduate School of Science ans Technology (GSST)
- Graduate School of Law and Economics (GSLES)

Zur Orientierung:
P  R O G R A M M  2024
(Stand: 22.5.2024, kl. Änderungen noch möglich)

für Mitglieder und Promovierende der GSH sowie Promotionsinteressierte:

16:15h - 17:00h: "Ihre Promotion mit Mehrwert" - Infoveranstaltung zur Promotion in der GSH

16:45h - 17:15h: Willkommen bei Kaffee und Gebäck 

17:15h - bis ca. 18:00h: Interdisziplinärer Vortrag (in Englisch) mit anschließender Diskussion.

Prof. Dr. Fabian Moss, Mitglied der GSH, Juniorprofessur für Digitale Musikphilologie und Musiktheorie
"Computational Musicology - oxymoron or perfect fit?"

Music has often occupied an awkward position in academic scholarship: its physical foundations in the vibrations of sound and mathematical properties of its structure tightly link its study to rational thought and the scientific method, whereas its historical and artistic nature situates it in philosophic and aesthetic debates within the humanities. Moreover, both its cultural diversity as well as its appreciation and consumption place it firmly in the context of the social sciences. In my talk I will present examples of a renewed scientific and scholarly interest to transcend this apparent disciplinary barrier using computational methods to study music and argue that this development instantiates larger a epistemological changes regarding how we study cultural phenomena at large.

Ab 18:00h - bis ca. 22:00h: Abendessen, Musik und Tanz sowie GSLS-Abschlusszeremonie

Nach dem o.g. Vortrag geht es zum gemütlichen Teil des Abends über. Im GSLS-Gebäude gibt es ein Abendessen in entspannter Atmosphäre mit Musik und eine kleine Abschlusszeremonie für Absolvierte der GSLS.

Bitte melden Sie sich bei Interesse hier bis spätestens 24. Juni 2024 an  und geben mir eine kurze Nachricht, dass Sie sich dort angemeldet haben (an

Beste Grüße,
T. Schmid mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen der UWGS

GSLS Office
Beatrice-Edgell-Weg 21
Campus Hubland Nord
97074 Würzburg
Tel.: +49 931 31-84544
Fax: +49 931 31-839640

- English version -

To the members and doctoral candidates of the GSH

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Each summer semester, the Graduate Schools of the University of Würzburg (UWGS) invite their members and doctoral candidates to a joint, half-day "Graduate Schools Day". We are very pleased that this summer party can take place again this year.

Registration is now open and we cordially invite you to join us.

Thursday, 3 July , 2025
c. 5 pm/17:00h– c. 10 pm/22:00h
Graduate Schools Building
Hubland North Campus
Beatrice Edgell-Weg 21

P R O G R A M 2024 for the GSH
(as of 22/5/2024, small changes may still be possible)

16:15 - 17:00h: "Your Doctorate with Added Value" - information lecture for students on doctoral studies at the GSH.

16:45 - 17:15h: Welcome with coffee and pastries and the opportunity to network.

17:15 - 18:00h: Interdisciplinary lecture with subsequent discussion:

Prof. Dr. Fabian C. Moss (Member of the GSH, Junior Professor of Data Science, Computer Science X/Digital Music Philology and Music Theory at the Institute for Music Research at the University of Würzburg) on "Computational Musicology - oxymoron or perfect fit?"

Music has often occupied an awkward position in academic scholarship: its physical foundations in the vibrations of sound and mathematical properties of its structure tightly link its study to rational thought and the scientific method, whereas its historical and artistic nature situates it in philosophic and aesthetic debates within the humanities. Moreover, both its cultural diversity as well as its appreciation and consumption place it firmly in the context of the social sciences. In my talk I will present examples of a renewed scientific and scholarly interest to transcend this apparent disciplinary barrier using computational methods to study music and argue that this development instantiates larger a epistemological changes regarding how we study cultural phenomena at large.

18:00 - 22:00h: Dinner, music and dancing and GSLS closing ceremony

After the above-mentioned lecture, we will move on to the cozy part of the evening. In the GSLS building there will be a dinner in a relaxed atmosphere with music and a small closing ceremony for graduates of the GSLS.

If you are interested, please register here by June 24, 2024 at the latest  and give me a short message that you have registered there (to:

We are very much looking forward to seeing you and celebrating together in July.

Best wishes,
T. Schmid and all UWGS colleagues

Event management
GSLS Office
Beatrice-Edgell-Weg 21
Campus Hubland Nord
97074 Würzburg
Tel.: +49 931 31-84544
Fax: +49 931 31-839640