Graduiertenschule für die Geisteswissenschaften

Konle, Leonard

" Towards a Computational Representation of Plot Strutcures in Genre Literature: Conceptualization, Evaluation and Pattern Detection:" 

Kontaktadresse an der Universität Würzburg:
Lehrstuhl für Computerphilologie
und Neuere Deutsche Literaturgeschichte
Campus Hubland Nord
Emil-Hilb-Weg 23
97074 Würzburg

E-Mail an Herrn Konle

Erstbetreuer: Prof. Dr. Fotis Jannidis


Prof. Dr. Andreas Hotho

Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch (Uni. Trier)

Klasse in der Graduiertenschule: "Digital Humanities"

Promotion in der Graduiertenschule ab WS 2024/25.

This thesis aims to craft a pragmatic definition of plot and explores its relationship to narratological research, forming the foundation for a computational model of plot structure. This model is systematically developed, focusing on the operationalization of its sub-aspects, particularly their automatic detection through annotation as the basis for machine learning techniques. To maintain feasibility, the scope of operationalization is confined to genre literature and their motif repertoires rather than attempting a universal application. 

The model's application involves generating instances from novels and evaluating these instances both qualitatively, through the study of individual texts, and quantitatively, at the corpus level. Finally, the model is used to identify patterns in plot structures within specific genres, providing insights into the underlying formulaic structures that may characterize genre literature.