Deutsch Intern
    International Symposium organized by the Students of the Graduate School of Life Sciences

    Organization Committee

    Organzing Committee

    Once again, Graduate Students from various faculties work together to make sure the 2014 Symposium is going to be the best one so far.

    Feel free to contact us:

    All organizers:

    Lisa Keller (Chair)

    Anne Carstensen (Co-chair)

    Anup James

    Bendikt Schmid

    Carsten Deppermann

    David Weber

    Deya Cherpokova

    Esin Candemir

    Ezgi Eylül Bankoglu

    Inga Birkholz

    Jennifer Loewe

    Judith van Eeuwijk

    Katharina Günther

    Nils Becker

    Pauline Fleischmann

    Sebastian Kaiser

    Thomas Ziegenhals

    Viola Lorenz

    Wolfgang Kölmel