Poster Session
The Poster Session
is open for all PhD students!
Remember that as a GSLS member you have to participate in three international events with scientific contribution - register with a poster and make the GSLS symposium be one of them!
Poster dimensions desired are:
A0 84,1 cm width × 118,9 cm height (portrait)
For registration click the "yes" button for "poster" in the registration form at the welcome page. Registration will be possible until the 15th of October.
Prizes for the three best posters:

1. Prize
Nikon Coolpix S8100 Digitalkamera (12 Megapixel, 10-fach opt. Zoom, 7,5 cm (3 Zoll) Display, Full-HD Video, bildstabilisiert) schwarz

2. Prize
Nikon Coolpix S3100 Digitalkamera (14 Megapixel, 5-fach opt. Zoom, 6,7 cm (2,7 Zoll) Display, HD Video, bildstabilisiert) schwarz