Deutsch Intern
Graduiertenschule für die Geisteswissenschaften

International doctoral guest student

Application and admission

In case you have obtained a doctoral fellowship funding for a temporary research stay away from your home country, and aim at spending this time period here at our Graduate School of Humanities (GSH), you can apply as an international doctoral guest student.

As such you achieve the student status which provides you with

  • our mentoring and diverse support, access to our seminars and workshops,
  • access to the University's infrastructure such as the University Libraries, the Computer, Language, Media or Sports Centres etc., plus
  • the Semesterticket  (i.e. Würzburg Student Public Transport Ticket).

More information on these issues at the University's International Office.

Provided your hitherto degree qualifies you for a doctorate at the GSH, we can grant you admission to our Graduate School and thereby access to our interdisciplinary doctoral study program "Humanities". The admission is granted in compliance with the duration of your fellowship funding duration and can last one or two semesters.

Please be aware that the GSH's working language is German, and most disciplinary seminars are held in German. You won't need to pass a test for your admission but to really benefit from your stay at the GSH you need a sufficient skills level. This will have to be agreed on by your mentor.

For admission to the so-called Programmstudium you need

  1. a sufficient degree for a doctorate at the GSH (M.A., Magister, Diplom or equivalent),
  2. a mentor who needs to be a current member of the GSH and agrees to supervise you during your stay;
  3. a proof of a fellowship funding or a funding by your mentor plus his/her affirmation of providung you with an adequate working environment.

Info and application: